Cornwall's Official Plan sets out the City's general policies for future land use. It will create the framework for guiding land use in the City for the next 20 years.
Please click on the links below for more information:
- Official Plan
- Official Plan Schedules and Appendices
- OP Map - Schedule 1 - Landuse
- OP Map - Schedule 2 - Transportation
- OP Map - Schedule 3 - Community Improvement Policy Areas
- OP Map - Appendix Map A - Natural Heritage Features
- OP Map - Appendix Map B - Waste Disposal Sites
A brief history of the document:
Originally recommended to the Planning Advisory Committee (P.A.C.) by the O.P. Review Committee: June 16, 1997. Approved by PAC: June 16, 1997. Adopted by Council: July 14, 1997
- Fully repealed and replaced with a revised/consolidated version by Council on June 24, 2002. (based on a Recommendation of the P.A.C. dated May 21, 2002)
- Approved (with modifications) by the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing: April 7, 2004 and came into force on May 6th, 2004.
- Fully repealed and replaced with a revised/ consolidated version by Council on October 23, 2017 based on a recommendation by the Planning Advisory Committee at the meeting dated October 16, 2017.
- Approved with modifications by the Assistant Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs/Housing on April 11, 2018 and is now in effect.
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Planning & Development
100 Water Street East
Cornwall, ON
K6H 6G4
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