The City of Cornwall has several construction projects planned for 2024, as per the budget approved by council. The list below is subject to change, and completion dates are tentative. Reconstructions, upgrades, and improvements are essential investments to ensure the quality of our infrastructure for years to come. The City recognizes that some construction may inconvenience residents, and appreciates residents' cooperation. Each project page contains further details and will list closures, but the most up to date information is available by calling Municipal Works at 613-932-5354.

2024 Planned Construction Projects

2024 Construction map

 Click here to view an interactive map of construction projects. 

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan completed by IBI & the City in 2010 recommended an annual investment in Active Transportation projects, such as Bicycle and Pedestrian related infrastructure. Stakeholders such as Transitions Cornwall + and the active lifestyle groups have supported the implementation of this plan.

The sidewalk construction candidate in 2024 is along the following street:

The City's watermain lining program aims to improve water quality and system reliability. Many of the City's watermains are 50-75 years old and are in need of repair. Old cast iron pipes are subject to tuberculation build-up. What is tuberculation? It is the name for small mounds of corrosion that grow on the inside of cast iron pipes. The mounds build-up over time and make the inside of the pipe smaller. The mounds (or tubercles) also make the inside of the pipe rough. When the inside becomes smaller and rough, it makes water flow more slowly (because there is more resistance), which results in lower water pressure. Maintaining adequate water pressure is important for a lot of reasons, especially in case of fire.

Lining watermains helps improve the reliability of City's water distribution system. How? Breaks and leaks are more likely to occur in older pipes. If watermain breaks decrease, residents will have a more dependable water supply. It will also help the City to save money in unexpected repairs.

For many years, the City has lined watermains instead of replacing them.  Lining usually takes place in areas where the road and sewers are in good condition. What is the benefit of lining watermains? It repairs pipes without digging up the whole roadway. The Contractor digs small pits to access the main in key locations and works from there.

In 2024, the City will be lining the watermains on the streets listed below. For more information on the individual streets, follow the links below:

The Asphalt Paving Program reflects the needs which have been established in accordance with the Pavement Management System. In addition to those established needs, this program reflects our continued efforts to improve the road network throughout the City integrated with the overall strategy for linear infrastructure improvements. Based on MTO pavement design and rehabilitation methods as well as the municipal road evaluation experience of City staff, it is recommended that the following pavement condition rating (PCR) triggers be used in the evaluation and selection of streets for asphalt resurfacing/rehabilitation:

  • Arterial Streets: less than 70
  • Collector Streets: less than 60
  • Local Streets: less than 50

Traffic volumes using Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) counts and posted speed limits are also important factors in the consideration for pavement rehabilitation. The City must also be mindful of the Ontario Regulation 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways and the associated requirements of the varying classification of highways (Class 1 to 6). In addition, comments and recommendations from Municipal Works maintenance personnel, buried infrastructure, as well as public sentiment must also be considered and factored into the decision making for pavement renewal.

Information on the individual projects for 2024 can be obtained by clicking on the streets below

The City will be replacing the following retaining walls in 2024:

Currently, the City of Cornwall operates and maintains 69 existing traffic control signal locations. The City is mandated to comply with Provincial minimum maintenance standards legislation for traffic control signal systems.

Aged traffic control signal systems require upgrades to meet current operational standards, to replace substandard equipment/controls, and to reduce the risk of operational issues at intersections.

In 2024, the City is planning to upgrade the existing traffic control signals at the following intersections:

  • Second St and Augustus St
  • Thirteenth St and Cumberland St

2024 Traffic Signal Upgrade Map

Currently, there are approximately 5,700 roadway lighting locations throughout the City of Cornwall, with 1,700 of those being on City owned poles while the remainder are on joint use utility poles.

Roadway lighting poles degrade and deteriorate as they age and pose potential liability. The City undertakes a pole condition evaluation on a bi-annual basis which provides an overall condition rating of the poles owned by the City. These ratings identify deficiencies and establish priorities for pole replacements.

This capital project targets the replacement of poles that are no longer structurally sound or are at the end of their service life.

The following Roadway Lighting Upgrade project is proposed for 2024:

  • Boundary Road from Industrial Park Drive to SCM Way

2024 Pole Replacements

The City of Cornwall Municipal Works Yard (located at 1225 Ontario Street) is undergoing a multi-year, multi-phase rehabilitation. The project includes replacing the offices and workshops, storage buildings and constructing new parking areas.

In 2017-2021 the City completed Phase 1 of the project, which included the construction of a new salt storage facility, a new employee parking lot, a utility compound and a noise barrier wall on St Michel Avenue and Lemay Street.

The City has also retained a consultant to design of the second phase of redevelopment, which includes a new administration building and a new garage/multiuse building. The second phase also includes additional buried infrastructure (like storm sewers, watermain, etc.) and the demolition of the existing buildings. The construction of Phase 2 is expected to begin in 2023 and be completed over a two-year period.

Completed Project Milestones:

  • 2017: Design of the Site Servicing and Grading Plan and Salt Storage Facility and the completion of a noise impact assessment
  • 2018: Design of the Standby Power System and Noise Barrier Wall and the rerouting of utilities.
  • 2019: Construction of the staff parking lot, site servicing and standby power system.
  • 2020: Construction of the Salt Storage Facility.
  • 2021: Construction of the Noise Barrier Wall along the western and northern property lines and the design of the new Administration and Garage/Multiuse Buildings.
  • 2022: Rerouting of utilities and the continuation of the design of the Administration and Garage/Multiuse buildings

Ongoing and Upcoming Project Milestones:

  • 2023-2026: Construction of the new Administration and Garage/Multiuse Buildings
  • 2026: Construction of a noise barrier wall along the southern and eastern property lines.
  • 2027: Design of the heated and unheated parking storage buildings and the covered, open and excavated material storage buildings.
  • 2028: Construction of the heated and unheated parking storage buildings, the covered, open, and excavated material storage building and the design of the Parks and Landscaping Equipment Storage Building.
  • 2029: Construction of the Parks and Landscaping Equipment Storage Building and the completion of the final phase of site servicing and grading. 


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