Garbage Collection
Garbage is limited to 2 bags or 1 bin per household per week. Diapers are exempt from bag limits. Bag tags are available if residents need to set out extra tags.
Starting in January 2025, clear garbage bags will be required for garbage collection. Residents and businesses can use reusable garbage containers to contain loose garbage or garbage in clear bags.
Click here to learn more about collection rules, bins, and bag tags.
Recycling Collection
An unlimited amount of recycling may be set at the curb. Recycling is single-stream, meaning residents do not need to separate their recycling into separate bins.
Click here to learn more about recycling collection and sorting your waste correctly.
Leaf, Branch, and Yard Waste
Leaves, and yard waste are collected at the curb weekly with the green bin program. Click here for collection requirements and schedule.
Branches are now collected on the first Wednesday of every month. To schedule a branch collection, follow this link to register.
Our leaf and yard waste is now being processed at a different facility and not the City's Landfill Site. There is still a surplus of finished compost from the leaf and yard waste programs that the City offered before 2025, which is free for residents to pickup. Click here to learn more about picking up free compost and mulch.
At the Landfill
The City's waste management facilities are located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road and include a landfill, recycling sorting facility, household hazardous waste depot, and compost pile. Click here to learn more about services and fees.
The landfill is open Monday to Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The landfill is closed all statutory holidays.
Tours are also available at the landfill! Click here to request a tour.
Electronics and Hazardous Waste
Some items cannot be collected at the curb, and must be disposed of directly at the landfill.
Electronics and household hazardous waste must be brought to the landfill during depot days - click here for more information.
Clothing and Textile
Clothing and textile items can be recycled at the landfill, inside a new textile container.
The donations and recycled textiles will be collected by Diabetes Canada and the proceeds from the program will go towards helping Canadians in our community who are affected by diabetes.
- Accessories and bags
- Clothing (all types)
- Curtains
- General household textiles (towels, blankets, sheets)
- Shoes and boots
- Sleeping bags
Not Accepted;
- Other household items
- Electronics
- Sports equipment
- Organics
- Hazardous waste
- Any textile item that does not fit inside the bin
Food Waste
The City of Cornwall will begin to turn your food waste into a beneficial end use product! Curbside food waste collection starts in January 2025. Green bins will be delivered throughout November and December. Every address in the City will receive a green bins. Learn more.
By-laws, Regulations, and Support
The Waste Management By-law outlines the rules for garbage and recycling management. By-law officers ensure waste is set out at the appropriate time, waste is set out neatly and properly, and waste is not left at the curb after collection day. Click here to report illegal dumping or littering, or to advise of a household that is not in compliance with the waste management by-law. You can also call:
- City of Cornwall waste management division: 613-937-1777
- e360 Solutions (garbage and recycling collection contractor): 613-936-6072
- HGC (leaf and yard collection contractor): 613-933-0202
Waste Reduction
As Canadians grow more and more aware of their impact on the environment, and as the City of Cornwall's landfill reaches the end of its life, it's more important than ever to consider what we can do to reduce our waste.
The City promotes recycling, leaf and yard waste collection, backyard composting, and mindful purchasing habits as starting points for waste reduction.
From spring to fall, dedicated volunteers walk City streets, parks, and trails to collect litter. Their beautification efforts ensure we enjoy a clean community.
Anyone can join Adopt-a-Street! Show your civic pride in a flexible volunteer program: you decide when and how often to pick up litter!
Click here to learn more about the program.
Recycle Coach
Download this free app to receive collection notifications, access to the collection calendar, and to search a database to sort your waste properly.
Click here to download for iPhone. Click here to download for Android.
You can also use Recycle Coach online! Click here to try it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Recycling is an important part of waste diversion, which is the movement of materials away from the landfill. Landfills are used to deposit garbage and collect all of the organic remnants once those materials break down which happens over hundred of years. Materials that are often recycled are those that take thousands of years to break down, and are items that can be easily turned into something new, rather then waiting for them to break down.
Last year the City of Cornwall residents recycled aluminium, tin, steel, plastic, paper, cardboard, mattresses, electronics, and hazardous waste. By recycling these items, Cornwall residents saved space in the landfill and also generated revenue to help offset the costs of waste management. Last year the blue box program alone generated $631,300 in revenue.
Recycling only works if everyone does their part. Grab a blue box or a clear bag and fill it with your household recyclables, do not forget the recycling in other areas of the home outside of the kitchen! Cornwall has a weekly curbside recycling program, so you can place your recycling out once a week on your collection day to help the City divert more waste from the landfill.
Each year the City of Cornwall completes a volumetric scan of the landfill which determines how much space we have remaining. Based on 2018's volumetric scanning, the landfill has capacity until about 2030. This number often fluctuates based on the amount of waste coming in, therefore it may increase one year and decrease the next. It is important to note that this is an estimate for the remaining life and it is important to begin planning for the future of our waste management, even though 2030 may seem like a long time from now.
The City will continue to implement waste diversion programs (as outlined in our Solid Waste Management Master Plan - click here to read) to help slow the filling of the landfill site, as planning for and constructing a new landfill will cost the City millions of dollars. Visit the Waste Management Facilities page for more information.
Currently it costs the City $120.00 per household per year for garbage collection, and $60.00 per household per year for recycling collection. A total of $180.00 per household per year.
Currently every household in Cornwall pays around $48.00 per year on their taxes to cover garbage and recycling collection, and all other waste management services provided by the City of Cornwall. The remaining $132.00 per househould per year is financed through tipping fees and recycling grants.
Sometimes the recycling drivers may accidentally break a bin, the drivers often write this information down and will bring a new bin to your address the following week.
Please note if your recycling box is missing, that recycling drivers do not take or recycle blue boxes. Please search your neighbourhood for your box if it is missing and always ensure you write your address on your box to prevent it from being stolen.
If you are concerned about your blue box being replaced please call us at 613-937-1777.
Contact Us
City of Cornwall
360 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3P9
Phone: 613-930-2787 ext. 0
Cornwall Connect Service Request Hub